
Monster Bloom 5kg

Monster Bloom 5kg | Nutrients | Nutrient Additives | Powder Additives

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Bloom enhancer

$520.00 (inc GST)


Monster Bloom has gained a reputation for its ability to assist plants during the middle stages of flower development. The high concentration of phosphorous encourages blooming and plays a vital role in plant metabolism. The potassium in the formula improves bloom and fruit quality while impacting photosynthesis, assisting starch production within the plant.

NPK: 0-50-30

Directions for use:
Start using Monster Bloom when buds are forming and continue to use with every fertilizer application during the blooming cycle. Stop using during the last two weeks of flowering.

Hydroponics: Use 6 g (1 tsp.) per 19 L (5gal) of nutrient solution. Add to every nutrient solution.

Soil/Soilless: Use 6 g (1 tsp) per 19 L (5 gal) of water. Use every time you fertilize.